Provide access to one of the richest thermodynamic models libraries available on the market (equation of state, activity coefficients.) or of phase equilibria (VLE, LLE, VLLE, salt formation. Provide access to over 300 functions, in particular for calculation of any type of transport properties (specific heat, viscosity.), of thermodynamic properties (enthalpy, compressibility factor.These calculations can be integrated in any package intended for wider fields of application (equipment sizing, system modeling, etc) in order to ensure the consistency and reliability the data used and of the results. Simulis Thermodynamics provides engineers and software developers with an accurate and reliable thermophysical properties calculation server. APF WoodJoint lets you design many types of connections: carpentry joints (front notched joint, mortise and tenon joint, with stirrups and tension ties), steel-plate to timber connections (bolts with side gusset steel plates, apex plate, heel plate, point plate, slice plate), connections to supporting beams (with screws, steel hangers, steel angles, dovetails).īentley Pointools Connect Edition Update 1 The forces acting on the structural elements are displayed by the graphical interface, for each load case separately. APF WoodJoint performs a structural analysis of the connection, examining the fastener as well as the connected members. All the design variables, such as load coefficients, material properties (mechanical properties of timber and fasteners), can be adjusted by you, according to your needs (or the requirements of any National Standard or National annex to the Eurocodes). You can change every value (size of the structural members, fastener type, etc.), recalculate, and the results are immediately available. The user interface is designed to simplify your work. The results are displayed in the graphic environment and the user can save a detailed report with calculations and images. APF WoodJoint performs all the required checks for ULS, according to Eurocode 5.

All you have to do is specify the dimensions, the configuration and the actions. APF WoodJoint lets you design traditional carpentry connections or modern timber joints (nailed, screwed, bolted) in accordance Eurocode 5 (EC5).